If you’ve never experienced the magic of McKibbon One, we highly encourage you to watch the 2023 McKibbon One Leadership Conference recap video to get a feel for what it’s all about, and if you were in attendance last year, we invite you to join us in reminiscing on all the special moments we shared. 

 As a sponsor, not only will you get to directly network with a large group of industry leaders, putting your brand smack dab in the spotlight, you’ll get to experience firsthand the power of One – one shared mission and the impact of just one idea, one individual, one interaction and one moment.  

 We’ve put together some ideal sponsorship opportunities for the 2025 McKibbon One Leadership Conference to help you plan. There are sponsorship levels for every budget, and if your organization has specific goals in mind, we welcome the opportunity to customize a custom sponsorship on your behalf.    


If you are interested in becoming a sponsor, please email McKibbon@McKibbon.com.